Fossil with Commonmark

Artifact [32cddb1d27]

Artifact 32cddb1d27b8e89cef52c61dd0d26abbd5f18618:

Attachment "ignore-glob.patch" to ticket [1b5773eed1] added by anonymous 2011-02-07 20:48:58.
Index: src/configure.c
--- src/configure.c
+++ src/configure.c
@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@
 static struct {
   const char *zName;   /* Name of the configuration set */
   int groupMask;       /* Mask for that configuration set */
   const char *zHelp;   /* What it does */
 } aGroupName[] = {
-  { "email",        CONFIGSET_ADDR,  "Concealed email addresses in tickets" },
-  { "project",      CONFIGSET_PROJ,  "Project name and description"         },
-  { "skin",         CONFIGSET_SKIN,  "Web interface apparance settings"     },
-  { "shun",         CONFIGSET_SHUN,  "List of shunned artifacts"            },
-  { "ticket",       CONFIGSET_TKT,   "Ticket setup",                        },
-  { "user",         CONFIGSET_USER,  "Users and privilege settings"         },
-  { "all",          CONFIGSET_ALL,   "All of the above"                     },
+  { "email",        CONFIGSET_ADDR,  "Concealed email addresses in tickets"       },
+  { "project",      CONFIGSET_PROJ,  "Project name, description, and ignore-glob" },
+  { "skin",         CONFIGSET_SKIN,  "Web interface apparance settings"           },
+  { "shun",         CONFIGSET_SHUN,  "List of shunned artifacts"                  },
+  { "ticket",       CONFIGSET_TKT,   "Ticket setup",                              },
+  { "user",         CONFIGSET_USER,  "Users and privilege settings"               },
+  { "all",          CONFIGSET_ALL,   "All of the above"                           },
 ** The following is a list of settings that we are willing to
@@ -75,10 +75,11 @@
   { "logo-mimetype",          CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "logo-image",             CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "project-name",           CONFIGSET_PROJ },
   { "project-description",    CONFIGSET_PROJ },
   { "manifest",               CONFIGSET_PROJ },
+  { "ignore-glob",            CONFIGSET_PROJ },
   { "index-page",             CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "timeline-block-markup",  CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "timeline-max-comment",   CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "ticket-table",           CONFIGSET_TKT  },
   { "ticket-common",          CONFIGSET_TKT  },