Fossil with Commonmark

Artifact [5eca4cfb7c]

Artifact 5eca4cfb7cd2f01d2a5d8ef123da829b2cef3d9d:

Attachment "merge-marker.diff" to ticket [e3a1beef67] added by anonymous 2010-10-14 15:50:19.
Index: src/merge3.c
--- src/merge3.c
+++ src/merge3.c
@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@
   int *aC2;              /* Changes from pPivot to pV2 */
   int i1, i2;            /* Index into aC1[] and aC2[] */
   int nCpy, nDel, nIns;  /* Number of lines to copy, delete, or insert */
   int limit1, limit2;    /* Sizes of aC1[] and aC2[] */
   int nConflict = 0;     /* Number of merge conflicts seen so far */
-  static const char zBegin[] = ">>>>>>> BEGIN MERGE CONFLICT\n";
+  static const char zBegin[] = "<<<<<<< BEGIN MERGE CONFLICT\n";
   static const char zMid[]   = "============================\n";
-  static const char zEnd[]   = "<<<<<<< END MERGE CONFLICT\n";
+  static const char zEnd[]   = ">>>>>>> END MERGE CONFLICT\n";
   blob_zero(pOut);         /* Merge results stored in pOut */
   /* Compute the edits that occur from pPivot => pV1 (into aC1)
   ** and pPivot => pV2 (into aC2).  Each of the aC1 and aC2 arrays is