User Configuration Notes:
Every user, logged in or not, inherits the privileges of nobody.
Any human can login as anonymous since the password is clearly displayed on the login page for them to type. The purpose of requiring anonymous to log in is to prevent access by spiders. Every logged-in user inherits the combined privileges of anonymous and nobody.
Users with privilege u inherit the combined privileges of reader, anonymous, and nobody.
Users with privilege v inherit the combined privileges of developer, anonymous, and nobody.
The permission flags are as follows:
a Admin Create and delete users b Attach Add attachments to wiki or tickets c Append-Tkt Append to existing tickets e View-PII View sensitive info such as email addresses f New-Wiki Create new wiki pages g Clone Clone the repository h Hyperlinks Show hyperlinks to detailed repository history i Check-In Check-in code changes j Read-Wiki View wiki pages k Write-Wiki Edit wiki pages l Mod-Wiki Moderator for wiki pages m Append-Wiki Append to wiki pages n New-Tkt Create new tickets o Check-Out Check out code p Password Change your own password q Mod-Tkt Moderate tickets r Read-Tkt View tickets s Superuser Setup and configure the respository t Reports Create new ticket report formats u Reader Inherit all the capabilities of the "reader" user v Developer Inherit all capabilities of the "developer" user w Write-Tkt Edit tickets x Private Push and/or pull private branches y Write-UV Push unversioned content z Zip-Download Download a ZIP archive, tarball, or SQL archive 2 Forum-Read Read forum posts by others 3 Forum-Write Create new forum messages 4 Forum-Trusted Create forum messages that bypass moderation 5 Forum-Mod Moderator for forum messages 6 Forum-Admin Grant capability '4' to other users 7 Alerts Sign up for email alerts A Announce Send announcements to all subscribers C Chat Read and/or writes messages in the chatroom D Debug Enable debugging features